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Prepare Your Community for Water Emergencies with the
12-Pack Sandbag Filler

Flooding and erosion are complex problems. Solve them with our easy sandbag filling equipment.

Stopwatch Icon - Faster Disaster Response

Faster Disaster Response

Grid showing speedy sandbag filling

Easily Fill 125 Sandbags/Hour

Prepare Your Community for Water Emergencies with the
12-Pack Sandbag Filler

Flooding and erosion are complex problems. Solve them with our easy sandbag filling equipment.

Stopwatch Icon - Faster Disaster Response

Faster Disaster Response

Grid showing speedy sandbag filling

Easily Fill 125 Sandbags/Hour

The Traditional Way of Filling Sandbags is Archaic, Demoralizing, and Inefficient:

When water threatens what you protect, there is no time to waste.

You can't be an effective public official using improper tools and techniques.

There's no reason to let erosion threaten property and lives.

Reacting to a water emergency can be overwhelming but our portable sandbag filling tool helps you to succeed

Our sandbag filling device emphasizes efficiency and simplicity. No moving parts to break, no fuel needed, and unmatched portability.

The Sandbag 12 Pack Filler is an Easy Way to Fill Sandbags

1. Add Sandbags

Easily slip empty heavy-duty sandbags over properly sized sandbag filling tubes

Man adds sandbags to 12-Pack Sandbag Filler filling tubes
Workers add sand to the 12 Pack Sandbag Filler tube openings

2. Fill Tubes

Add sand with a shovel or skid loader, smooth until level with openings

3. Lift Filler

Two users lift the Next-Level Sandback 12 Pack Filler and create 12 sandbags, all the same weight and amount

Workers lift the 12 Pack Sandbag Filler off 12 perfectly and easily filled sandbags
A worker closes filled sandbags with a zip tie

4. Close Bags

Users spin the sandbags, then close using zip ties to finish the 4-5 minute process

We stand behind our portable sandbag filler tool because we use it to help others just like you. Find out how we use the 12 Pack Sandbag Filler to solve complex problems.

We've filled over 20,000 sandbags using the
Next-Level Sandbag 12 Pack

Order the Next-Level Sandbag 12 Pack Filler today and be ready before the water rises


Order the Next-Level Sandbag 12 Pack Filler online, or send us a purchase order


We ship to where
you need help. Order now and receive a $250-off shipping voucher!


You begin easily and efficiently taking care of any erosion or flooding problem with our quick sandbag filling solution

From Our Customers

Helping People Protect Property

“The Next-Level 12 Pack Sandbag Filler was user-friendly and extremely efficient.” – Pat Elliott, DPW Superintendent, Charlevoix, MI

Helping People Protect Property

We're proud to assist those preventing disasters.

Next-Level Sandbag is committed to helping you fulfill your promise to protect and serve.

BBB Better Business Bureau

© 2023 by Next-Level Sandbag

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